It is one of the most versatile techniques that can be used on our roads, mainly for T-2, T3 and T4 traffic., are mixtures that work by internal friction, with excellent resistance to fatigue, cracking and thrust. This mix with more coarse and few fines, has a large amount of voids in its structure allowing water to drain quickly. Some of its main applications are the following:
Wearing course
Intermediate layer
Bituminous macadam
Special flooring
PREMIX for COLD ASPHALTIC MIXES, is marketed in containers, for easy transport to any location.where it is finally mixed with locally available aggregates, avoiding the very high cost of transporting aggregates.
The type and grade of PREMIX to be used will be based on the availability and type of local aggregates.
Easy-to-handle asphalt mixture
Environmentally friendly
This asphalt mix can be mixed in the plant with conventional machinery or manually on site with basic tools.s. Likewise, the asphalt layer can be laid with conventional construction machinery or manually, using simple tools such as shovels, rakes, and local labour. The work is similar to that carried out by masons when mixing concrete on site, or laying a concrete slab with screeds and masters.
It is much simpler and more economical than traditional hot mixes, as the product is much easier to handle.. Specially designed for road builders and large surfaces. It is a no-waste product, as the leftover mixture does not dry out or harden. Simply cover it with plastic and it can be stored for weeks in perfect condition.
Mixing and spreading by machine or by hand.
Easy mixing and application.
High resistance to traffic.
No annoying fumes or odours.
Very good workability, does not stick to tools.
Available for open or closed mixtures
Immediate opening to traffic.
It does not require any heating during the preparation or application process, making it an environmentally friendly product.. It is more workable and safer to handle than hot mixes. No fumes evaporate from the Cold Mix, making it safer to work with and improving the quality of life for workers and neighbours.
Designed for cold asphalt paving of any thickness, using conventional machinery or manually with basic tools. It can be transported over long distances at room temperature, even storing the leftover mixture, without any loss of product..